Stan Robinson, JrĀ 00:00
Welcome to the Sales Navigator live show with Stan and Brynne. Join LinkedIn expert and sales professional Brynne Tillman, and me, Stan Robinson, Jr, Chief coaching Officer here at Social Sales Link, as we bring you the best tips and strategies for leveraging Sales Navigator for your sales success. Enjoy the show!
hello there welcome everyone to today's
live as you'll notice today it's just me
Stan Robinson Jr Brynne Tillman is
actually at LinkedIn headquarters in
California today so she says hello and
I'm looking looking forward to uh
hearing about her visit with LinkedIn
and what's new there now today we're
going to be talking about sales
Navigator account Hub and just some of
the many features that are available to
you in the account Hub sales naavs
always had accounts but they have
rejiggered the the interface a little
bit to try to make it easier for us to
find the information that we need and to
surface information that we can use to
opportunities so let me Dive Right In
here because the time that we have is
quickly so when you open your sales
Navigator homepage the easiest way to
get to What's called the account Hub is
simply to click on Accounts at the
top and and that will bring you to a
view where the default tab that will be
accounts and you will also
a right below your accounts you'll see
recent changes in other words any
accounts that have recently had changes
to them you will see that right below
the your accounts field so why is that
important well one of the things that
sales Navigator is trying to do is to
help us keep up with the Deluge of
information that's coming in about
accounts of interest to to us now keep
in mind that today my focus is going to
be on accounts rather than leads
accounts is where everything starts uh
in a past episode we did talk about
relation reltionship Explorer and being
able to dive into a little bit more
about uh leads but today the focus is on
accounts so one of the first things that
you're able to do when you jump into the
account Hub is easily have a look at
lists and the reason that that's
important is because most of us tend to
organize our activity within sales
Navigator based on lists and you you can
can find your list you'll see a uh a
drop- down in the left that starts with
saved accounts where you can see all of
your saved accounts but if you open up
that dropdown you'll also see your list
you can also get the list by just going
to the upper right at about two o'clock
on the page and you'll see the the
option to manage your lists so lists
organized I always suggest
to clients that they make sure to add
all of their current accounts to a list
it's also a good idea to add competitors
to a list so that you can exclude them
from your searches so when it come to
lists you're only limited by your
imagination because since you can both
include lists in your searches as well
as exclude lists from your searches
there are many different ways that you
can use them but Point number one is
that you can use the account Hub to
easily find your list now next we've
already talked a little bit about your
saved accounts with recent changes now
those changes could be changes in
headcount for example if a company is
or if a company is shrinking in terms of
headcount those are the types of changes
highlighted in the accounts that appear
at the top so before you scroll
anywhere you can just look and um see
what accounts have recently had changes
among the accounts that you've you've uh
saved now I mentioned that the the
default is your accounts when you open
up the account up homepage well right
accounts just to the right of it there
is another tab that's designed to help
you discover new accounts now this is a
feature that is available to those with
Advanced plus and advanced subscriptions
this particular feature is not available
to um those with core subscriptions
because this discover new accounts
feature is based on something called um
your and I actually have to stop and
think for a second because it's brand
new um it's called buyer intent and it
is relatively new but it's basically a
way where sales Navigator keeps up with
activity related to your specific
company so who has followed your company
page who is connected with colleagues
that are under the same sales Navigator
contract as you so any activity related
to your specific company including even
who's responded to inails from you and
your colleagues those are all factors
consideration under buyer
intent and the reason that I bring this
in when I'm talking about the uh
discover new accounts feature is
that if for example you're a smaller
company and there are not a lot of new
people either following you interacting
with your colleagues because perhaps you
have a small sales team you may not see
anything under the discover new accounts
Tab and I wanted to make sure that you
understood why now if you're part of a
huge company with an enormous sales team
then very likely you're going to see
there so that was number three number
four we touched on which is buyer intent
and that is a feature that uh is
extremely powerful because it's an
example of where sales Navigator
collects the type of data that you could
never collect on your own as an
individual so they're looking at who's
following your company page if you're
using for example Linkin advertising and
you're using a tag on your
website it can include those that hit
your website because it's pulling in
that data as well and we mention things
from uh that company is connecting with
your colleagues again something that you
would never have any visibility into on
your own but sales Navigator can surface
you so buyer intent is helpful it is
also one of these search filters that
you will be able to use you'll be able
to to toggle a little switch and simply
see those that have expressed some buyer
criteria so next is one that's a it's a
little bit more mundane but it's still
very helpful and that is the ability to
accounts now you can star
accounts when you're in the actual
account page and if you're on the
account page you'll see little star
option and starring an account just
means that you're starring it usually to
come back to it at a future point so for
example if you're if you're involved in
prospecting activity and you're going
through your list rapidly or you've
created a new search and you're seeing
some accounts but you have limited time
and you don't have time to dive into
each and every one that looks like it
may be of interest you can star a
particular account now you can do that
when you're on the account page what's
nice is you can also do it when you've
done a search you'll see a list of
accounts come up you can also star
accounts from right there as well so if
you're limited in terms of time and you
say you know I want to come back to this
particular account you can always star
the account and then when you're
field there's a tab that just says start
you can click on it and see all of the
accounts that you have starred so it's
an easy way just to be able to come back
to things and um keep up with what's
on now next these next two are ones that
we've talked aled about in the past but
I realize that not everyone here has
been on our past lives uh and have
podcasts so there are a couple of types
of alerts that I'll highlight here one
are growth alerts and growth alerts
relate to increases in company
headcount and of course LinkedIn and
sales Navigator have access to a lot of
data when it comes to company headcounts
just based on individuals that have
associated with their LinkedIn their
LinkedIn profile with their
so sales naav gives you kind of a bird's
eye view into companies where the
increasing or unfortunately it may be
shrinking now of course when you're
search okay so we're talking about
searching here apart from the the
account Hub when you're doing a search
you can filter searches based on
increasing the company's overall
headcount and with a search you can even
filter a search based on changes in
headcounts so for example if
you're offering a solution that revolves
around sales could be a sales engagement
tool it could be a CRM related platform
um but you're focused on sales if you
see an increase in the headcount for a
sales department well they may have a
seats for either your product or a
complimentary product but in any event
an increase in headcount can be an
opportunity to start a new
conversation and at a minimum it can
give you a heads up that this I want to
keep an eye on what's going on here
because there may be opportunities
becoming available here now the same
applies in Reverse to risk alerts which
is simply a fancy way of saying when
now you yourself you may be following
you may have Google Alerts following
news related to your accounts of
interest you may be using some other
tools but what's beautiful about sales
naav is that it consolidates this
information such that as you save
accounts that you want to keep an eye
on sales Navigator is servicing
information for you that you can use to
engage okay may be able to use it to
conversation uh to reach out and
congratulate someone um so opportunities
conversations now next we have something
that is very new as a matter of fact
when you look at it on sales naab you
will see the word beta next to it and
that is something called category
intent now after a while a lot of these
terms it may start to get a little bit
interesting in terms of trying to keep
up with okay we've got buyer
to uh individuals that are following my
company starting to connect with
colleagues and so forth and now I have a
product intent well product
accounts who are interested in
categories and the information is
limited on all the data points that are
being looked at when it comes to this
but basically it revolves around uh
LinkedIn members researching specific
LinkedIn so if they happen to be looking
at uh for example your competitors
Pages they may show up under the new uh
intent area now the thing to keep in
mind about category intent is that it is
agnostic as far as company category
intent just relates to those who are
researching particular product areas
and what you will do as a sales
Navigator user is you will want to
select the categories on sales naav that
are specifically related to your
offering so when you're in your account
Hub at about 3 o'clock on the page
you'll see uh a little tab that says
category intent if you don't already
have it you soon will and in there you
you're handling say an employee advoc
advocacy product for example well let me
see something I don't know that employee
se is in here okay yep it is so if I
were handling prod employee advocacy
software I would go there to product
category type in employee advocacy and
you'll see the option to select employee
advocacy software just as one
example now what you may also want to do
is if they're complimentary
products such that if a and a person is
interested in employee advocacy software
they may also be interested in CRM tools
or sales engagement platforms and those
type of product interests may also be
opportunities for you well you may want
to add those to your product categories
and based on the product categories that
you select that's how sales Navigator
will come back and identif identify
rather category intent now one of the
things that is really nice about
category intent uh once you start to
once you have it and start to play with
it is sales Navigator will indicate if a
particular account has category intent
yes or no it'll indicate how many
employees are researching the product
indicated now you may say well Stan what
happens if I have five different
categories that I've indicated because
relevant but is there a way for me to
drill down and see who looked at sales
engagement software versus who looked at
employee advocacy software versus who
looked at CRM tools and the good news is
yes because you can go to category
up if you see yes and you'll see the
number of employees who searched if you
click into that you'll see how many
category that you added and you can open
it up and see who actually
this can turn out to be a nice
prospecting tool it's so new that most
of us haven't had a chance to experiment
with it very much but if you have it I
would definitely recommend starting to
see what the quality of the results
are because based on this you'll be able
to add people to lists create new lists
perhaps lists around complimentary
product areas where you start to save
and see what types of results you get
when you start to reach out to those as
well okay so that is eight categories
that so far the last one that I'll
mention is when you're in your account
Hub to the right of each account you'll
recommendation so if you're dealing with
an account of interest and you want to
start to drill down and start to map out
the people with that account who you
think it would be good to start to
save follow follow their content engage
with their content and later invite them
connect recommendations in the account
Hub is a starting point for you now one
last thing just to back up because I'm
just about at time here um I had
mentioned that there are categories is
labeled buyer intent and there's a new
category also with intent in the name
called category intent buyer intent is
specific around people who have an
interest in your particular company
category intent is more agnostic in that
it just indicates people who are
researching the product areas that you
specified one thing I'll mention about
buyer intent that I didn't earlier is
that when you see buyer intent there are
I believe it's four different categories
see negative buyer intent
neutral buyer intent moderate buyer
intent and then High buyer intent had to
take a a quick look to remember those so
that means for example that someone has
probably unfollowed your company page
moderate um well negative neutral
moderate and high just give you a way to
kind of uh organize your time such you
you'll want to spend time for first with
those where the buyer intent is high if
you have more time then you may want to
moderate neutral and negative probably
not going to want to spend a lot of time
with one exception that comes to
is if an account is a client of
yours and you're starting to see
signals you just may want to follow up
with them just to see what's going on
and just to make sure that they're still
happy okay so that just may be a flag
that it's time to reach out to someone
make sure there's not anything going on
behind the scenes that you're not aware
of and that if there any problems or
issues you may be able to nip them in
bud all right so that is it for today I
thank you for those of you who are
listening and look forward to catching
up with you next week bye now
Outro 23:34
Thanks for listening and join us again for more insights on Sales Navigator and social selling strategies that will differentiate you from your competitors and accelerate your sales success. In the meantime, you can go to for free content on LinkedIn Sales Navigator and social selling.