About Summary

summary Aug 16, 2020

Summary, the Most summary is about me, my achievements, all the great things I've ever done, my mission, my passion, my years in business, all that belongs in your experience. 

About summary is your gift. This is more like a blog post, where you talk about the challenge they are facing. This is the stuff that converts to conversations By the way.

The challenges facing insights, vendor-agnostic insights, meaning they're standalone, they don't have to hire you to get those insights. 

Share just briefly in a sentence or two, how you can help end a call to action, and your contact information. And this is positioning you as the resource and subject matter expert, not as the salesperson or even like who you are personally, 

The Featured Section, you can add posts. So if you've got great posts out there, that's better getting some great engagement. You can add a post to your featured section,

Articles, which are blogging on site inside of LinkedIn, links to YouTube and...

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